sharing, listening, enabling, activating
Initiated by Shermin Langhoff and Ong Keng Sen
Hosted by Ong Keng Sen, Irina Szodruch and Erden Kosova
With Soukaina Aboulaoula, Riksa Afiaty, Mona Benyamin, Vladimir Bjeličić, Rafika Chawishe, Adela Demetja, Aylime Aslı Demir, Fatou Kiné Diouf, Fuca Yuan, Helia Hamedani, Martha Luisa Hernández Cadenas, Thao Ho, Ding-Yun Huang, Lyse Ishimwe Nsengiyumva, Liene Jurgelāne, Rola Khayyat, Sreyneang Khon, Olivia Hyunsin, Kim Lee, Cheah Ni, Zhazgul Madazimova, Chepkemboi J. Mang'ira, Donna Miranda, Nhung Dinh, Amila Puzić, Aya Rebai, Promona Sengupta, Uygar Önder Şİmşek, Sasapin Siriwanij, Ida Ślęzak, Aziz Sohail, Corrie Tan, Phoo Myat Thwe, Arkadi Zaides
As first edition in Berlin the Young Curators Academy , brings together over 30 participants, who work at the crossings of art and activism, often under challenging political, social and economic conditions, to share their knowlege, reflect on and deepen their own practices from parallel experiences, and empowering each other.
The Young Curators Academy forms an intersectional narrative of sharing processes and alternative belongings.
The international gathering is taking place from the 25/October to 4/November at Maxim Gorki Theatre, building an artistic and activist platform for discovering alliances, exploring affinities, and consolidating solidarities.
The participants are young artists, thinkers, program producers, who are both creating their own events and developing new forms of authorship and curation. They are initiating transfers between different micro-contexts, and enabaling relocations of the self as well as new lines of flight beyond partriachal borders. The term young is here understood as pioneering practice, the curators as individuals who are part of different communities and desiring to activate them.
On this blog, participants of the Young Curators Academy will share their thoughts, reflections, analysis, comments, criticisms, associations, encounters and connexes:
All visual documentation of this blog (pictures and videos) is provided by the artist Patrícia Bateira.
© Patricía Bateira