The Making-of


A film director wants to put together a superhero remake, made in Germany. But some crew members aren't quite ready for the pressure of their roles. Crisis-shaken supermen, free-spirited filmmakers, a ridiculously bold plot, and a shot of predator romanticism comprise the makings of a cryptic comedy.

In The Making-of, Nora Abdel-Maksoud stirs up »hot potato« themes that will burn your fingers. A wicked satire about the film business and theatrical ideals, a desperate hosanna to the paradox of acting and an optimistic swan song for roles that no one can really fulfil. All presented by means of performance strategies that torpedo attribution, cut in real time and completely shot without a camera – but live and in 3D!

Photo: Esra Rotthoff


03/November, 17:00 – 18:45 Tickets