

Actress Malina Michalska left the stage in the 60s and opened up the first yoga school in Warsaw. Today three young actresses, singers, anthropologists and yogis devote themselves to her legacy: with a combination of meditation rituals from Asia and Eastern European folk song, they create the Temple of the Invisible Pink Unicorn. They dedicate it to the divine mother of yoga with the intention of creating a feminist version of the practice.

Guest performance of the Instytut Teatralny in Zbigniewa Raszewskiego

Produktion: Tomasz Leszczynski – Künstlervereinigung »Four Dimensions Are Not Enough for Us« im Rahmen des Residenzprogramms »Placowka« by Zbigniew Raszewski Theater Institute in Warschau

Photo: Karolina Gorzelańczyk


26/Oktober, 20:30
26/Oktober, 22:30
27/Oktober, 17:00 Tickets
27/Oktober, 19:00 Tickets