Ersan Mondtag
2015, Guest Performance
A court. We are all accused of having ensured that the world is like it is: unfair and murderous. If thousands of people are dying on the outer borders of Europe, does that constitute failure to render assistance, an act of negligence or of malice? How does dissecting a society before a court function? With a string quartet and anger in the lungs: A choir attacks.
By: Thomas Peter Goergen
Director: Ersan Mondtag
Composer: Max Andrzejewski
With: Tamer Arslan, Giannina Erfarny-Far, Isabelle Klemt, Taner Şahintürk, Ruth Reinecke, Falilou Seck, Aram Tafreshian
Ersan Mondtag, director, born 1987 in Berlin, lives and works in Berlin. Productions and performances at the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, and at the Schauspiel
Frankfurt among others, with invitations in 2014 and 2015 to Radikal Jung, Munich. This year he is directing at the Thalia Theater Hamburg, Staatstheater Kassel and in Studio R at the Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin, among others.